
Fog rising from grassy field in Sonoma County
Earth’s Breath

I believe my love of images came from my grandfather’s basement. Poppy referred to himself as a “junker”. These days we’d call him a “picker”. When we’d arrive after a long road trip to his Atlanta home I’d steal away to the basement as soon as possible. I loved all the old furniture, Coca-Cola paraphernalia and cast-iron banks, but my forays into the basement had one purpose, seeking out “new” editions of LIFE magazine. I was enthralled with the emotion and stories, and the bold factuality of the black and white images. Years later in college, I realized I had given myself an invaluable education in the history of photography. Images from Margaret Bourke-White, W. Eugene Smith and Gordon Parks were already burned into my consciousness. Of all the work I shared with my students, the work of these humanist photographers and the photographers who followed in their footsteps, this work still moves me the most. In some ways, I feel my approach to photography is not unlike my grandfather’s search for the diamond in the rough. I’m seeking the beautiful overlooked.

I have been teaching photography in California colleges for over 15 years now. Teaching has allowed me to discover all the things that photography is. My students bring me fresh perspectives and challenges. Unfortunately, the demands of teaching can also impede photographic work. Sometimes you just have to go out and shoot rather than pondering why or what you are shooting and its meaning. Having young children at home has taught me to shoot “my work” wherever I find it, even while I’m fulfilling the role of fieldtrip documentarian for school trips or to snap a lovely landscape while on a family outing.

My love of photography came from LIFE magazine. My love of graphic design comes from my overactive organizational skills. There is just something so gratifying with finding a visual solution for a client, whether it be a brochure or a website. Organization and efficiency of design are my strengths. Photographically, artistically and in design, I am a generalist. Being the last of four kids I never owned any complete toy sets, but I did have lots of parts to get creative with. I’ve always been able to figure out how to make things happen; structurally, electronically and interpersonally.

(707) 704-4035